Object and Type
Object : FCGeneric
Type : Method
Public Sub DeleteAll()
This method deletes all of the records in a generic object. The DeleteAll method performs a MoveFirst, so it does not matter where in the records collection you are currently positioned. The method calls on the Delete method to delete each row, so you should read that method's documentation to understand how it operates.
The deletion of a row is not immediate. You must call on UpdateAll (either on the generic object or the bulk) to cause the delete to occur. You may not use the Update method to commit the delete, as the Delete method moves the current pointer, and it is not possible to point back to it.
All relations that point to the deleted row in other tables are also set to NULL (and the MTM rows that point to it are deleted). Thus, after a DeleteAll is committed, nothing in the database will point to the objid of the deleted row(s).
After an object is marked for deletion, it cannot be seen in a traversal of the generic object (with the Move methods). Also, it will not be shown as a record with the Count and TotalCount methods.
Further, when you perform a DeleteAll, the current record is set to EOF.
Error Codes
Value Meaning
12031 This operation is not valid for a generic that is marked distinct
The following example deletes all records in a custom table called "my_table".
The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.
// Set up a query of all rows in test table
var boMyTable = FCSession.CreateGeneric();
boMyTable.DBObjectName = "my_table";
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.
Dim boMyTable As FCGeneric
Set boMyTable = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boMyTable.DbObjectName = "my_table"